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Our Homes

Every one of our homes is carefully selected to provide as close to a traditional family home environment as possible to our looked-after children. They are typically 5-6  bedroom houses, located in safe neighbourhoods, and all newly refurbished to provide high quality, comfortable accomodation.

Our homes provide high quality, trauma informed residential care for children and young people, aged between eleven and seventeen in small group living from one to no more than four people. All placements are assessed on a holistic need led basis. Our safe, nurturing environment encourages inclusion and integration in the local community.


We offer high levels of support matched by clear and consistent boundaries in an environment where children and young people can feel safe. A healthy and appropriate staffing ratio ensures a safe homely feel where relationships form trust and enable children and young people to feel wanted and cared for.


Each home is run by an experienced management team, and supported by a highly qualfied and passionate permanent staff group.


We seek to identify and reinforce the young people’s personal skills and aptitudes in order to promote the development of a healthier self-identity.  

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